
Why Kinderworld International?

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Experiential Learning
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Digital Enhanced Learning
Unmatched Safety and Standards
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Trained and Experienced Teachers
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Low Student Teacher Ratio
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90 Hours of Mandatory Teacher’s Training
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Project Based Learning
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Personal attention towards each student
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Safe Equipment

Since its inception in 2013, Kinderpillar Preschool (Franchisee) has embarked on an incredible journey of teaching and learning. As I reflect on the past years of student teaching, I am reminded of the numerous challenges, the relentless hard work, and the joyous celebrations that have shaped our preschool community.

Kinderpillar PreSchool was established in 2013 by our founder Mrs. Poonam Dhundhara with a vision to develop a community of leaders rooted in shared beliefs, values, and ethos. Furthermore, our Director, Mr. Siddhartha Dhundhara, established Kinderworld International School, a scholastic venture that offers a diverse range of curriculum options.

Our educational approach not only focuses on academic excellence but also fosters the development and assessment of critical and creative thinking skills. We strive to instill flexibility in our students' approach, as well as the ability to collaborate and serve others. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of resilience and determination when faced with challenges.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to providing ample opportunities for our students to grow and thrive. By nurturing their intellectual, social, and emotional development, we strive to empower them to become future leaders in their chosen fields.

As we continue on this educational journey, we are grateful for the dedication and hard work of our teachers, staff, and students. Together, we will continue to create a nurturing and inspiring environment where young minds can flourish.

PreSchool Powered by Kinderpillar - Parents First Choice Preschool!

Why Kinderpillar?

The early years of a child's life are crucial for laying the foundation of their intelligence, personality, and social behaviour. Preschool education plays a vital role in fostering important skills like creative thinking, problem solving, and independent learning in children.
During these formative years, children are like sponges, eagerly absorbing information and experiences from their environment. Preschool education acts as a catalyst for their cognitive, emotional, and social development. By providing a stimulating and nurturing environment, we can help children explore their curiosities, express themselves creatively, and cultivate essential life skills.
Through play-based activities, interactive learning, and guided exploration, we encourage children to think critically, solve problems, and make independent decisions. These early experiences empower children to become resourceful, adaptable, and confident learners, setting them on the path to lifelong success.
At our preschool, we recognize the significance of this foundational stage and are dedicated to providing high-quality education that nurtures the overall development of each child. We value the uniqueness of every child and focus on fostering their holistic growth, taking into account their individual strengths, interests, and learning styles.
By creating a supportive and inclusive environment, we empower children to develop their social skills, foster positive relationships, and embrace diversity. Through collaborative activities and peer interactions, children learn important concepts such as empathy, communication, and cooperation.
Preschool education, therefore, serves as a vital stepping stone for children, equipping them with the necessary skills and qualities to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally in the years to come. We are committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment that cultivates a love for learning, fosters creativity, and empowers each child to reach their full potential.
Choosing the best preschool for your child is a significant decision as a parent. Finding a perfect early childhood learning centre is essential for your precious one.

Kinderpillar offers a specially designed program that caters to every age and stage within the preschool spectrum. This program is based on the best research and teaching techniques from the USA. It combines brain-based research with creative teaching techniques to not only educate children but also inspire them to learn.

In Kinderpillar preschool classrooms, teachers actively engage young children in the learning process and promote self-regulation. Children learn various concepts, skills, and complete small projects, while also developing autonomy and a sense of responsibility. Students have the freedom to work collaboratively or independently, and teachers encourage a wide range of roles and behaviours, fostering teamwork and social bonds. All classrooms are equipped with scientifically designed, safe, non-toxic, and age-appropriate toys that enhance brain-based learning. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of group and individual activities, allowing each child to interact with peers and develop their own unique traits and interests.


The Kinderpillar program is built upon the framework of multiple intelligences in its preschool curriculum. This theory has had a significant impact on education globally by recognizing that individuals possess different intelligences, including verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, naturalist, and intrapersonal intelligences. As a result, children learn in diverse ways and at their own pace. Our preschool curriculum embraces various learning and teaching styles to cater to each child's unique needs and encourages them to explore and develop all their intelligences.


We focus on the first 2000 days of a child's life as they are critical for brain cell connections and overall development. During this period, the brain is actively learning how to learn. The synaptic connections formed during this stage will influence future intelligence and learning habits. It is crucial to support your child during this young age to develop their capabilities and skills, which will lead to successful academic and lifelong achievements.

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Kinderpillar Preschool has proudly taken the lead in India by introducing STEAM - the most advanced practices in early childhood education. STEAM is an acronym that was initially coined by the US Government to denote the fields of study that facilitated work visa opportunities for immigrants: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Today, educators are integrating these areas into a cohesive STEAM curriculum.

By incorporating STEAM principles into our teaching methodology, Kinderpillar has demonstrated its commitment to providing a cutting-edge education for young learners. Through the seamless integration of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, we aim to foster creativity, critical thinking, innovation, and problem-solving skills in our students.

By linking these disciplines together, we empower our students to explore, experiment, and discover connections between different subjects. Our STEAM curriculum enables children to develop a holistic understanding of the world around them and equips them with the tools to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.

At Kinderpillar, we strive to stay at the forefront of educational innovation, and our implementation of STEAM is a testament to this commitment. By nurturing curiosity, resilience, and a passion for learning, we prepare our students to become confident and adaptable individuals who can excel in a wide range of academic and professional pursuits.

We are proud to be the trailblazers in introducing this progressive approach to early childhood education in India, and we remain committed to providing our students with the best possible educational foundation for their future success.

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The Power of Extracurriculars: Finding Your Passion Beyond the Classroom

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in education, offering benefits beyond the classroom. At Kinderworld International School, one of the best schools in Abohar, we recognize the significance of extracurriculars in helping students discover their passions and fostering personal growth.

Discovering Passions: Extracurriculars allow students to explore various interests, broadening their horizons and helping them identify their true passions.
Skill Development: Participation in extracurriculars nurtures a diverse set of skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, which are transferable to real-world situations and contribute to personal and professional success.
Building a Well-rounded Resume: Involvement in extracurriculars enhances a student's resume, showcasing a well-rounded skill set that goes beyond academic achievements and demonstrates their ability to balance responsibilities and excel in different areas.
Fostering Social Connections: Extracurricular activities provide a social platform for students to connect with like-minded peers, fostering friendships and a supportive network beyond academic challenges.
Stress Relief and Well-being: Engaging in activities one is passionate about serves as a healthy outlet for stress, promoting mental and emotional well-being and providing a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Leadership Opportunities: Many extracurriculars offer leadership roles that cultivate qualities like inspiration and guidance, empowering students to make a difference in various aspects of life.
Contributing to the Community: Extracurriculars often involve community service, instilling a sense of social responsibility and fostering a lifelong appreciation for the importance of giving back.
In conclusion, extracurricular activities are a powerful tool for personal growth, skill development, and the discovery of passion.
Encouraging students to participate in extracurriculars prepares them for future challenges, equipping them with a diverse skill set and experiences that will benefit them in both their academic journey and beyond. At Kinderworld International School, we recognize the impact of extracurriculars in shaping well-rounded individuals ready to face the world.

Effective study strategies: Techniques to maximise Learning and retention

Enhancing the learning experience requires effective study strategies that go beyond passive reading. Kinderworld International School, the best Smart School in Abohar, explores a range of techniques to elevate study sessions and improve long-term retention.

Active Learning Techniques: Engage with the material actively through summarizing, teaching others, or participating in discussions to reinforce understanding and make information memorable.
Spaced Repetition: Space out learning over time instead of cramming to reinforce memory. Review information at increasing intervals to enhance retention.
Utilize Mnemonics: Create memory aids like acronyms or vivid mental images to associate new information with familiar concepts, making it easier to recall during exams.
Practice Retrieval: Test yourself on the material to reinforce learning. Actively recall information without looking at notes to enhance retrieval strength.
Create Concept Maps: Visualize relationships between ideas or concepts through concept maps to organize information and improve comprehension and retention.
Use Multiple Resources: Incorporate textbooks, online resources, videos, and articles to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject and reinforce key concepts.
Establish a Consistent Study Environment: Create a dedicated and distraction-free study space to signal focus.
Consistency in the study environment improves concentration.
Take Breaks and Prioritize Sleep: Take short breaks to recharge cognitive resources and prioritize sufficient sleep for memory consolidation and cognitive function.
In conclusion, effective study strategies are essential for optimizing learning. Incorporating these techniques into your routine can improve understanding and retention. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you, and remember that the learning journey is as important as academic success.
Kinderworld International School emphasizes the importance of effective study strategies in maximizing the learning experience. b

The Benefits of Sports for Children in Developing Fundamental Skills and Building Character

Children possess a natural athleticism and boundless energy. At Kinderworld International School, known as one of the top Schools in Abohar, we understand the immense value that sports contribute to the holistic development of our students. Engaging in sports not only promotes physical fitness but also offers numerous benefits for their overall growth. In this blog, we will explore the advantages of sports in developing essential skills and building character.

Firstly, participating in sports activities helps children maintain physical fitness and good health. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, it enhances endurance, agility, and coordination, enabling children to reach their full physical potential.
Furthermore, sports provide a platform for children to develop fundamental skills that are applicable to various aspects of their lives. Whether it's running, jumping, throwing, or catching, sports activities enhance gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination. These skills are not only crucial for excelling in sports but also for academic success, everyday activities, and future endeavours.
Team sports also foster the development of teamwork and collaboration skills. By working together towards a common goal, children learn the importance of communication, cooperation, and mutual support.
These skills are essential for success in group projects, professional careers, and building positive relationships. Moreover, sports teach children the value of discipline and time management. Being part of a sports team requires commitment, regular practice, and adhering to a schedule. Through setting goals, effectively managing their time, and maintaining discipline, children acquire important life skills that extend beyond the sports field.
Sports also play a significant role in building character and instilling values in children.
They learn the importance of fair play, honesty, respect, and sportsmanship. Sports promote integrity, teach children to follow rules, and encourage ethical behaviour. Through experiencing both victories and defeats, children develop character traits such as resilience, self-discipline, and humility.
In conclusion, at Kinderworld International School, we firmly believe in the transformative power of sports in shaping well-rounded individuals. Engaging in sports activities not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters fundamental skills, teamwork, discipline, resilience, and character traits.
We are committed to providing our students with a comprehensive sports program that nurtures their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Through participating in sports, our students acquire essential life skills and values that empower them to thrive and succeed in all aspects of life.

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