Holistic Development

Holistic Development

Education for a child is not limited to traditional teaching methods and acquiring knowledge. It involves a comprehensive approach that focuses on their overall grow d-flex align-items-centerth and development. At Kinderworld, we place great emphasis on fostering responsible global citizens and instilling a lifelong love for learning.


Our dance program extends beyond simply acquiring technical skills. Our aim is to nurture artists who possess emotional intelligence and a creative spirit, allowing them to express themselves uniquely and authentically. With a curriculum that emphasizes flexibility, strength, endurance, world dance studies, and composition, we empower our students to become ambassadors of the language of the soul.
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An integral component of our program is composition, where we inspire and guide our students to immerse themselves in the realm of music creation. Through this transformative process, they discover the means to express their emotions and ideas not just through dance, but also through the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms they craft. We equip them with the necessary tools to experiment with diverse musical genres, fostering their grow d-flex align-items-centerth as musical storytellers and skilled composers.

Public Speaking & Creative Writing

Our program aims to empower students to become confident and effective communicators by incorporating creative writing, debates, recitation, and declamations. These activities complement their dance and music education, allowing them to express themselves through both movement and music, as well as through the power of words. We firmly believe that the ability to effectively communicate and connect with others is a crucial skill for success in all areas of life.
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Societies and Clubs

Our school's societies and clubs provide a wide variety of interests and passions for students to explore. Through their involvement in these clubs, students have the opportunity to develop a love for nature, theatre, adventure, technology, general knowledge, literature, and visual arts. These extracurricular activities complement their dance and music education, ensuring that they graduate as well-rounded individuals with a diverse set of skills, knowledge, and experiences.

Life Skill Programme

Through our Life Skill Programme, we aim to cultivate leadership qualities in our students, preparing them to be the future leaders. We prioritize the development of life skills such as public speaking, empowering every child to set trends. The confident faces that shine in the spotlight are a testament to the success of our character-building activities. The enthusiasm that radiates from our students can be felt as they engage with teachers and staff, continuously learning and grow d-flex align-items-centering during their academic journey.
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Visual Arts

Through our Arts program, we foster imagination and unleash the creative energy within each child. We provide timely opportunities for them to showcase their abilities and discover their hidden talents. Our Visual Arts curriculum encompasses theoretical practice, art-making practice, and curatorial practice.

Speech and Drama (Theatre)

Our theatre program celebrates the art of expressing human emotions through speech and drama
  • We create theatre productions that draw inspiration from its rich history.
  • We engage in working with play texts as part of our theatre program.
  • We explore and examine world theatre traditions as part of our program.
  • We encourage collaborative efforts to create original theatre productions
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